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Complete Lyrics Eminem Houdini

Eminem returns with new track "Houdini," showcasing elite wordplay and vintage sound, hinting at possible career changes after album release.

On May 31st, Em made his highly anticipated comeback with the release of his mesmerizing new track "Houdini," which was teased on social media with the help of magician David Blaine. The song, produced by Luis Resto and Em, features a sample from Steve Miller Band's 1982 hit "Abracadabra" and brings back that classic Eminem sound. Known for his elite wordplay, Em once again showcases why he's considered one of the greatest lyricists of all time with his clever and shocking lyrics.

The cover art for "Houdini" includes the phrase "Guess Whose Back? And for My Last Trick," hinting at the possibility of Em pulling a disappearing act after this album. Whether this means he will retire from music or retire his Slim Shady persona remains to be seen.

In the lyrics of "Houdini," Em reflects on his past struggles with addiction and the challenges he has faced in his career. He addresses the criticism he has received and defiantly proclaims that he will continue to speak his mind, regardless of the consequences. Em's signature wit and sharp tongue are on full display as he takes aim at his critics and asserts his place in the rap game.

With references to R. Kelly, Black Eyed Peas, and even his own children, Em's lyrics are as bold and controversial as ever. He refuses to back down or conform to societal expectations, instead choosing to speak his truth and challenge the status quo. Em's unapologetic attitude and fearless approach to his art make him a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

As he continues to push boundaries and defy expectations, Em remains a captivating and enigmatic figure in the world of hip-hop. His ability to provoke and provoke thought with his music sets him apart from his peers, solidifying his legacy as one of the most influential and iconic artists of his generation. With "Houdini," Em once again proves that he is a master of his craft and a true innovator in the world of music.

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