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Giants TE Darren Waller releases music video about divorce with fake Kelsey Plum

Giants TE Darren Waller releases bizarre music video about divorce from Kelsey Plum, sparking mixed reactions and speculation about his future.

Darren Waller, the New York Giants tight end, recently released a music video that has left many scratching their heads. The video, titled "Who Knew (Her Perspective)," delves into his recent divorce from Las Vegas Aces star Kelsey Plum. The video features reenactments of arguments, pleading, and even a scene where a fake Plum stabs Waller in the back.

The song, heavily auto-tuned, was released on streaming platforms last week, but it was the music video that garnered the most attention. Waller explained that the song was an attempt to write from someone else's perspective, a process that took three months to complete.

The video has been met with mixed reactions, with many expressing confusion, derision, and even laughter. This comes at a crucial time in Waller's football career, as retirement rumors swirl around the 31-year-old player. Despite personal struggles, including injuries and substance-abuse violations, Waller has had a successful career in the NFL.

Waller and Plum got married while both working in Las Vegas, but Waller's trade to the Giants last offseason put a strain on their relationship. Plum, on the other hand, is excelling in her basketball career with the Aces, averaging 18.6 points and a career-high 5.6 assists per game.

The lyrics of Waller's song reflect his feelings of heartbreak and longing for healing. The emotional turmoil of divorce is palpable in lines such as "Take your time and heal, just take a time out and feel." The song delves into the complexities of love and loss, showcasing Waller's vulnerability and introspection during this challenging time in his life.

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