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Kim Kardashian accused promoting Mason Disick Instagram clout

Kim Kardashian promotes nephew Mason's new Instagram account, sparking accusations of using him for clout. Fans criticize family's promotion tactics.

Kim Kardashian recently shared a post on her Instagram Story, encouraging her followers to follow her nephew Mason Disick's new Instagram account. However, some fans are accusing the reality TV star of using Mason for clout, as he has been camera shy for years.

Reddit users have pointed out that Kim's post may be an attempt to boost Mason's follower count for promotional purposes. Some fans have expressed their skepticism, with one stating that the family may be using Mason to promote their own ventures.

Mason's Instagram account has seen a significant increase in followers, with some users speculating that the family may have purchased followers for him as a gift for joining the platform. This has led to further criticism from fans who believe that the family is exploiting their children for fame and financial gain.

Mason's initial posts on Instagram featured him in stylish outfits, posing with friends and family members. Despite the lack of captions and limited comments on his posts, Mason has quickly gained a substantial following on the platform.

As the oldest son of Kourtney and Scott Disick, Mason's sudden presence on social media has sparked debate among fans about the ethics of using children for clout. The controversy surrounding Kim's promotion of Mason's account highlights the complexities of fame and social media in the modern age.

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