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Lenny Kravitz celibate, serious relationship 9 years

Lenny Kravitz reveals celibacy vow until marriage, emphasizing the importance of finding a partner with mind and spirit.

Lenny Kravitz, the iconic rock star from New York, recently shared insights into his personal life and his decision to remain celibate until he finds the right partner. In an interview with The Guardian, Kravitz, who celebrated his 60th birthday recently, revealed that his celibacy is a spiritual choice that he made nearly a decade ago.

Known for his music career that took off over 30 years ago with the release of his debut album "Let Love Rule" in 1989, Kravitz has maintained his status as a sex symbol through provocative music videos and bold fashion choices. Despite his reputation, he has stayed true to his vow of celibacy, which he first mentioned in 2008 and has upheld ever since.

Kravitz explained that he is looking for a partner who offers more than just physical attraction, emphasizing the importance of a deep connection on a mental and spiritual level. While he desires to be in a serious relationship, he acknowledged the challenges of finding a compatible partner after being single for nine years.

In his recent music video for "TK421" from his album "Blue Electric Light," Kravitz showcased his signature style and charisma. Although the video exuded sensuality and garnered attention for its provocative nature, Kravitz clarified that his intention was not solely focused on being sexy but rather on expressing himself authentically.

Despite the allure of his persona and the attention he receives, Kravitz remains steadfast in his commitment to celibacy until he meets the right woman who resonates with him on a deeper level. As he navigates his personal journey and continues to create music that captivates audiences, Kravitz's dedication to his principles and values shines through, reflecting his unwavering authenticity and integrity.

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