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Nikki Haley criticized for 'finish them' comment on Israeli bomb

Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley criticized for writing "Finish them!" on artillery shell in Israel, drawing backlash.

Former Republican presidential candidate and US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, is facing criticism after she was photographed writing "Finish them!" on an artillery shell in northern Israel. The image was shared on Twitter by Danny Danon, Israel's former ambassador to the UN and a member of the Knesset.

In the photo, Haley's message read: "Finish them - America HEART Israel, Always." Danon praised Haley's gesture, stating, "This is what my friend, the former ambassador Nikki Haley, wrote today on a shell during a visit to an artillery post on the northern border. The IDF will win!"

Haley, known for her longstanding support of Israel, recently withdrew from the Republican presidential nomination race and publicly endorsed Donald Trump. Despite previously calling him "dangerous," she declared her intention to vote for the Republican candidate.

During her visit to southern Israel, Haley shared images of the devastated communities and highlighted the ongoing conflict with Hamas. She emphasized that Israel did not initiate the war, but rather responded to aggression from Hamas fighters. Haley underscored the need for Israel to protect its citizens from threats posed by Iran and Hamas, both of which have expressed hostility towards America as well.

Following Haley's visit and her message on the artillery shell, human rights groups and media outlets criticized her actions. Amnesty International condemned the act, stating that conflict should not be trivialized with stunts, and emphasized the importance of protecting civilians in conflict zones.

The Guardian published an opinion piece questioning Haley's decision to write a message with genocidal undertones on Israeli bombs, sparking further debate and scrutiny over the incident. The controversy surrounding Haley's actions underscores the complexities and sensitivities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of international figures in such contentious issues.

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