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Stormy Daniels Husband Reacts to Trump Conviction: Relief for Daniels

Stormy Daniels' husband calls Trump's guilty verdict a "big weight off her shoulders," saying she feels vindicated and supported.

The recent guilty verdict in former President Trump's case has brought a sense of relief to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, according to her husband Barrett Blade. In an interview with CNN, Blade mentioned that Daniels is still processing the news but feels somewhat vindicated by the outcome of the trial.

Blade emphasized that Daniels was not seeking justice for herself but was standing up for what was right. He expressed gratitude that the jury saw the facts and made a decision, regardless of the outcome. Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records, making him the first-ever former U.S. president to become a convicted felon. The charges revolved around hush money payments made to Daniels to keep quiet about an alleged affair with Trump.

Despite the weight off her shoulders, Blade mentioned that Daniels remains stoic and is now contemplating what comes next. He acknowledged the uncertainty of the future and the potential challenges that may arise. Daniels testified during the trial, displaying courage in the face of fear and potential backlash for her actions.

As the sentencing date approaches, Blade expressed concern about the impact it may have on Daniels. However, he noted that first-time offenders like Trump are rarely incarcerated for charges similar to his. The impending sentencing date coincides with the 2024 Republican National Convention, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

Overall, the guilty verdict has provided some closure for Daniels, but the future remains uncertain. Blade emphasized the importance of taking things day by day and navigating the challenges that lie ahead. Despite the difficulties, Daniels continues to stand strong and face whatever comes her way with courage and resilience.

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