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Trump Lawyer Fox News Post-Conviction Whine Fest

Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche reacts to client's conviction on Fox News, claims unfair treatment, gets consoled by host Jesse Watters.

Following Donald Trump's conviction on 34 counts of business fraud, his lawyer, Todd Blanche, sought solace on Fox News, where he aired his grievances while host Jesse Watters offered reassurance that "things will get better."

During his appearance on Jesse Watters Primetime, Blanche reacted to a clip from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's post-verdict press conference, attempting to portray prosecutors and reporters as mocking Trump rather than appreciating the length of prosecutor Joshua Steinglass' summation earlier in the week.

In the clip, a reporter asked Steinglass about the prosecution's performance, to which Bragg jokingly responded on his behalf, referencing Steinglass' lengthy closing argument. Blanche took offense at the laughter in the room, claiming it was unfair and disrespectful to Trump.

Blanche expressed dismay at the celebration of the prosecutors and reporters, emphasizing that it was heartbreaking to see Trump being laughed at as a man, father, husband, grandfather, and presidential candidate. He insisted that everyone should be troubled by this behavior, regardless of their political affiliations.

Despite Watters' attempts to console him, Blanche remained adamant that Trump did not receive a fair trial and was emotionally affected by the outcome. He also revealed that he and Trump had prepared for a conviction and collaborated on a defense strategy centered around former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

Cohen, who appeared on MSNBC, referred to Blanche as the "SLOAT" (Stupidest Lawyer of All Time) after Blanche labeled him the "GLOAT" (Greatest Liar of All Time) in court.

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