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Mandy Moore Pregnant Baby 3 Reveals

Mandy Moore announces third pregnancy on Instagram, hinting at a baby girl. Actress shares challenges and joys of motherhood.

Mandy Moore recently took to Instagram to share the exciting news that she and her husband, Taylor Goldsmith, are expecting their third child. The 40-year-old actress posted a heartwarming photo of her two sons, Gus and Ozzie, holding hands in white T-shirts that read "Big" and "Middle," hinting at the arrival of their new sibling.

In her caption, Moore playfully referenced her hit show This Is Us, mentioning that the third child is on the way, creating their own version of the "Big Three." Fans of the show will appreciate the connection between her real-life pregnancy and her character's storyline on the show.

During a recent interview with E! News, Moore expressed her openness to expanding her family further, despite the challenges of raising two young boys. She hinted at the possibility of having a baby girl and shared her excitement about the idea of dressing up a little girl in cute clothes and accessories.

Moore has been honest about the ups and downs of motherhood, sharing her experiences and emotions in various interviews. She admitted to feeling overwhelmed and questioning her abilities as a mother in the early days of parenting but found her equilibrium as time passed. She emphasized the importance of not getting too set in your ways and understanding that everything is a phase in the journey of parenthood.

As Mandy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith prepare to welcome their third child, fans are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their newest family member. The actress's candid and relatable approach to motherhood continues to resonate with audiences, making her an inspiration to many.

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