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Melania Trump Donald Trump Verdict Revealed Closer Relationship

Melania Trump and Barron were in Manhattan during Donald Trump's hush money trial, showing support despite a gloomy mood.

During Kevin Costner's marriage to Christine Baumgartner, his finances were a major issue that caused tension in their relationship. Melania Trump, on the other hand, was not physically present at Donald Trump's hush money trial, but she was nearby when the verdict was delivered. Reports indicate that Melania and her son Barron were in Manhattan on the evening of the trial, sneaking into Trump Tower through a side entrance where family and close associates had gathered. The atmosphere was described as somber, with a sense of mourning hanging over the prestigious address.

Despite the disappointment of the guilty verdict on all 34 charges, sources reveal that the Trump family is rallying around the former president, looking towards the upcoming presidential election as the real judgment day. Donald Trump himself remains optimistic, believing that the true verdict will come in November when the people vote. While Melania and Ivanka were not present at the trial, their absence did not go unnoticed by the former president. Stephanie Grisham, Trump's former press secretary, confirmed that he was bothered by their lack of public support.

Despite this, Ivanka made a subtle gesture of solidarity by posting a message of love for her father on social media. However, insiders suggest that the trial outcome may delay her entry into the campaign, prompting her to wait until the convention. As for Melania, her next steps remain uncertain, but sources indicate that she is more supportive of her husband behind the scenes than is publicly known. The aftermath of the trial has cast a shadow over the Trump family, but they remain united in their support for the former president as they look towards the future.

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