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Cyndi Lauper announces farewell tour and documentary: "Right now this is the best I can be"

Cyndi Lauper announces farewell tour and documentary, saying 'right now this is the best I can be'. Tour dates announced.

Cyndi Lauper, the iconic singer known for hits like "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," is embarking on a farewell tour after five decades in the music industry. The tour comes on the heels of the release of a documentary titled "Let the Canary Sing," which delves into Lauper's complex history from her multicultural upbringing to her rise to fame.

In the documentary, viewers will get a deeper look into Lauper's life, including her struggles with an abusive stepfather and her early career with Blue Angel. Despite the challenges she faced, Lauper's journey is filled with colorful anecdotes and moments of triumph, like landing on Tipper Gore's controversial song list.

At 71 years old, Lauper is realistic about the passage of time and is ready to bid farewell to touring. Her upcoming arena tour will feature a mix of her classic hits, including songs from Blue Angel and "Shine." The tour promises to be a vibrant and visually stunning experience, combining art and moving visuals to create a memorable show for fans.

In addition to her music career, Lauper remains dedicated to her philanthropic work, supporting causes like homeless LGBTQ+ youth and women's rights. She is also involved in bringing the film "Working Girl" to Broadway, a project that has been in the works since 2016.

Despite her reluctance to do a documentary in the past, Lauper felt compelled to share her story after watching other films that moved her. The efficient 90-minute documentary offers a snapshot of a specific time period in Lauper's life, providing an intimate look at her journey through music and activism.

As she prepares for her final tour, Lauper reflects on the importance of singing as a spiritual practice and a source of strength. While she may not sing as much at home anymore, she recognizes the power of music to uplift and inspire, both for herself and her fans.

With her farewell tour on the horizon, Lauper is grateful for the opportunity to thank her loyal fans and celebrate her storied career. As she looks ahead to new projects and ventures, she remains committed to making a positive impact through her music and activism.

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