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Indian-Origin LinkedIn Career Expert - 5 Tips for Navigating Lay Offs

Indian-origin LinkedIn expert shares tips for navigating layoffs: maintain network, showcase growth, be honest, stay positive, prepare for interviews.

In today's unpredictable job market, facing a layoff is a common occurrence that can leave individuals feeling disheartened. However, Indian-origin LinkedIn career expert, Pooja Chhabria, emphasizes the importance of taking a moment to reflect and plan the next steps.

Chhabria shared valuable tips with CNBC Make It to assist professionals impacted by job cuts. She highlighted the significance of maintaining connections with former colleagues and expanding networks by attending industry events and connecting with individuals at desired companies.

When searching for a new job post-layoff, it's essential to highlight professional growth from previous roles. Chhabria recommended updating resumes and online profiles with acquired skills and being prepared to answer the common interview question, "Tell me about yourself," effectively showcasing why you are the best candidate for the position.

Discussing a layoff with potential employers may seem daunting, but honesty and transparency can help build trust. Chhabria reassured that career breaks are natural and advised against criticizing former employers. Instead, she encouraged framing the layoff experience positively and focusing on moving forward.

Overall, Chhabria's advice serves as a valuable guide for navigating layoffs and transitioning into new career opportunities with confidence and professionalism.

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