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Pat McAfee Caitlin Clark White Bitch National TV Groveling Apology Social Media Backlash WATCH

Pat McAfee apologizes for calling Caitlin Clark a "white b****" on national TV, defending her impact on WNBA and slamming critics.

Caitlin Clark, the WNBA's top pick, has been at the center of attention lately due to a controversial incident involving Chennedy Carter of the Chicago Sky. The incident sparked a heated debate about the treatment Clark has received since entering the league.

Pat McAfee, who was present at the game where the incident occurred, made a passionate defense of Clark on his show. He praised her for her significant impact on women's basketball and criticized those who downplay her achievements by focusing on the entire rookie class instead of recognizing Clark's individual contributions.

McAfee's comments, however, took a problematic turn when he referred to Clark as a "white b****" during his defense. This prompted backlash from viewers and forced McAfee to issue a public apology, acknowledging that his choice of words was inappropriate and disrespectful.

Despite the controversy surrounding McAfee's comments, the incident shed light on the rough treatment Clark has faced from opponents throughout her rookie season. Some speculate that jealousy over her success and impact on the sport may be fueling this behavior.

Clark's resilience and talent have not gone unnoticed, with McAfee and others recognizing her as a standout player in the WNBA. Her electrifying style of play and impressive achievements on the court have solidified her status as a rising star in the league.

As the debate continues over Clark's treatment and the broader implications for women's basketball, one thing remains clear - Caitlin Clark is a force to be reckoned with, and her presence in the WNBA is a game-changer for the sport.

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