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Destiny 2 servers recover from The Final Shape issues, Bungie resets and apologizes

Destiny 2 servers recover after The Final Shape launch, Bungie apologizes for inconvenience. Connection issues and bugs still being resolved.

Destiny 2's servers have finally started to recover after the overwhelming number of players attempting to access The Final Shape yesterday. Bungie has issued an apology for the inconvenience caused by the server issues.

It was expected that Destiny 2's servers would be under strain during The Final Shape's launch, and players were met with error messages stating that the servers were not available. Bungie recommended restarting consoles or Steam to try and gain access, as the maintenance period leading up to the launch had been extended.

During the server troubles, Bungie took to Twitter to express their apologies for the disruption. They assured players that they were working hard to resolve the issues quickly, and that most of the connection problems from earlier in the day had been fixed.

The tweet thread from Bungie emphasized that The Final Shape was meant to be an exciting and story-driven adventure for all players to enjoy. They acknowledged the frustration caused by the connection issues and promised to continue working until all issues were resolved. Players were also informed that they could rewatch cutscenes by accessing the Replayable Missions node on the Pale Heart map.

In a recent tweet, Bungie announced that there had been significant improvements after server restarts, but there were still ongoing issues with players being able to access the servers. The development team did not provide specific details on these remaining issues.

As Destiny 2: The Final Shape launched, Bungie cautioned players about bugged abilities and advised against joining co-op missions in the middle of a mission. They also recommended against switching characters during the campaign to ensure progress was properly recorded.

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