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JUTC to pay engineer injured in bus crash nearly $6 million

JUTC to pay $5.8 million to motorcyclist hit by bus in 2018. Engineer awarded damages for injuries sustained in accident.

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) has been ordered to pay a significant sum of $5.8 million to Romarne Buddington, a 27-year-old engineer who was injured in a collision with one of its buses back in 2018. The incident occurred on the Port Royal main road when a bus driven by Winston Allison swerved into Buddington's path, causing him to fall from his motorcycle.

Buddington took legal action against the JUTC in 2019, claiming negligence on their part. After a lengthy legal battle, Justice Andrea Thomas ruled in his favor on May 17 of this year. The JUTC and Allison attempted to shift blame onto Buddington, alleging that he was at fault for riding into the path of the bus. However, Buddington maintained that he was not speeding and was traveling at a reasonable speed in his own lane when the bus encroached onto his side of the road.

Allison, the bus driver, testified that he swerved to avoid a head-on collision with Buddington, but the judge found his account to be evasive and unreliable. The evidence presented by Dennis Bogle, an accident investigator for the JUTC, also supported Buddington's version of events. Despite attempts by the JUTC to discredit Buddington's claims, Justice Thomas ultimately sided with him, concluding that the collision was caused by Allison driving on Buddington's side of the road when it was unsafe to do so.

As a result of the accident, Buddington suffered significant injuries, including lacerations and a fracture to his right forearm. These injuries have left him with ongoing physical limitations, including difficulty moving his hands freely and performing everyday tasks. In light of his pain and suffering, Buddington was awarded $5.7 million in general damages, along with additional special damages totaling $156,440. Interest on these amounts was also awarded from the date of the incident to the date of payment.

Buddington was represented by attorneys Christine Mae Hudson and Judaska Shaw, while attorneys Allison-Gaye Bryan and Latoya Kelly represented the defendants. The outcome of this case serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and responsibility on the part of public transportation companies like the JUTC in ensuring the safety of all road users.

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