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Save Your Google Maps Timeline to Your Phone Before Its Too Late

Google is ending access to Timeline on web browsers, urging users to switch to the app to keep their data.

Google is making a big change for users who rely on the Timeline feature in Google Maps. If you're used to plotting your routes on the web browser version, it's time to switch to the app. The company is discontinuing access to Timeline on the web, so if you want to keep track of your past routes and locations, you'll need to download them to the app.

Timeline, also known as Location History, provides a detailed history of where you've been, the routes you've taken, and the places you've visited. This feature allows you to look back on past trips or nights out, giving you a nostalgic trip down memory lane. While Timeline currently operates in the background on both mobile and web versions, Google will soon be removing it from the web entirely.

An email notification has been sent out to users, instructing them to adjust their phone settings to enable Timeline by December 1st. After this date, the feature will no longer be accessible on the web. This move is part of Google's efforts to enhance user privacy by keeping location data stored on the user's device only.

Google Maps is a beloved app with many useful features, and Timeline is considered one of the most valuable. While the transition to app-only access may seem inconvenient, it ultimately benefits user privacy. Users can back up their Timeline data before switching devices, ensuring that their information is securely stored and accessible on both iOS and Android platforms.

If users fail to transfer their data by the deadline, Google warns that they may lose some of their Timeline information. The company will attempt to transfer data from the last 90 days to the first device used after the deadline, but anything beyond that will be permanently deleted. Google's decision to restrict Timeline to the app aligns with their ongoing efforts to prioritize user privacy and data security.

Google has a history of discontinuing features and products, but this latest change is a logical step towards enhancing user privacy. By encouraging users to transition to mobile-only access for Timeline, Google is providing ample time for users to make the necessary adjustments. So, if you're a frequent user of Timeline, be sure to make the switch to the app before the deadline to ensure you don't lose any valuable data.

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