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Ex-NBA Player Delonte West Arrested After Collapsing While Fleeing Police: Latest Report

Former NBA player Delonte West collapses during police pursuit, hospitalized, arrested on misdemeanor charges. Recent struggles with substance abuse and mental health.

Former NBA point guard Delonte West experienced a medical emergency while trying to evade Virginia police who were attempting to serve him a warrant early Thursday. Reports indicate that he collapsed and was later found by officers, hospitalized, and eventually arrested on misdemeanor charges for violating the conditions of his release and resisting arrest.

According to TMZ Sports, West, 40, fled as officers from the Fairfax County Police Department approached him. Officers pursued him on foot, briefly losing sight of him before discovering him unresponsive shortly after.

The department stated that officers administered Narcan, but it did not initially have the desired effect. West was then transported to a local hospital where Narcan was administered again, successfully reviving him. He was later released from the hospital and taken to the Fairfax County Detention Center.

As of Thursday afternoon, West remained in custody and is set to be arraigned in court on Friday morning. West last played for the Dallas Mavericks in 2012 and had a career in the NBA that included stints with the Boston Celtics, Seattle SuperSonics, and Cleveland Cavaliers. He averaged 9.7 points and 3.6 assists per game during his time in the league and disclosed that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

In recent years, West has struggled with substance abuse issues. In September 2020, Mavericks owner Mark Cuban picked him up from a gas station and took him to a rehabilitation facility in Florida after photos of West panhandling in Dallas surfaced online. Four months later, reports indicated that West was working at the same center.

However, West faced public setbacks later that year when he showed up drunk at a Florida police station in October, leading to his arrest for disorderly conduct. He was arrested again in Fairfax County in October 2022 after attempting to break into a car, resulting in four misdemeanor charges.

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