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Laura Dern confuses Reese Witherspoon with her name confusion surrounding given name

Nicole Kidman reveals Reese Witherspoon's real name, Laura Jeanne, during a discussion about the upcoming season of 'Big Little Lies.'

Reese Witherspoon, known for her role in "Big Little Lies," recently revealed that her real name is not Reese at all. In a conversation with co-star Nicole Kidman, Witherspoon disclosed that her full given name is Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon. The two actresses discussed their friendship, upcoming projects, and the possibility of a third season of the hit HBO drama.

Kidman hinted at more "BLL" to come in 2019 and confirmed that they had been in touch with the author of the original novel, Liane Moriarty, who is working on a new book for the show. Witherspoon joked that Kidman had already said too much about the upcoming season. The cast of "Big Little Lies" includes other talented actors such as Shailene Woodleigh, Zoë Kravitz, and Meryl Streep, who joined the show in Season 2.

It's interesting to note that many actors use stage names different from their given names. For example, Emma Stone's real name is Emily, but she had to change it due to another actor already using "Emily Stone" as a stage name. Witherspoon and Kidman also shared some behind-the-scenes insights about their characters and the dynamic on set.

Overall, the conversation between Witherspoon and Kidman shed light on the upcoming season of "Big Little Lies" and the camaraderie between the cast members. Fans of the show can look forward to more drama, intrigue, and stellar performances in the highly anticipated third season.

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