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Adria Arjona discusses Hit Man Notes app interrogation and 'symbiotic' relationship with Glen Powell

Hit Man's intense smartphone scene almost didn't make it! Director and cast reveal the teamwork and hard work behind the hit movie.

In the film Hit Man, one of the most hilarious and intense scenes almost didn't make the cut. However, after much effort from the cast, they managed to create a brilliant use of smartphones in a movie and showcase the teamwork involved in the filmmaking process.

Directed by Richard Linklater, the movie features Glen Powell as Gary Johnson, a college professor and tech expert who poses as a professional hitman to catch criminals. Things take a turn when Gary develops feelings for Madison (played by Adria Arjona), one of his targets who is seeking to escape an abusive marriage.

As the plot unfolds, Gary must return to Madison's home under police orders, who suspect her of killing her estranged husband. With a wire on him and the police listening in, Gary uses his phone's Notes app to communicate the truth to Madison while putting on a show for the cops through their dialogue.

The process of rewriting and rehearsing this scene went through several iterations before settling on the characters communicating via the Notes app as the most natural choice. Linklater and Powell, who are credited co-writers of the screenplay, based their work on a Texas Monthly article by Skip Hollandsworth. They also involved Arjona in the creative process, engaging in extensive rehearsals to perfect the scene.

Arjona describes the intense rehearsal process as a boot camp of script rewriting, idea pitching, restructuring, and continuous practice. This preparation allowed the actors to feel comfortable and have fun with the scenes, despite the film's limited budget and time constraints on set.

The Notes app scene posed a unique challenge for Arjona and Powell, as they had to convey one message through dialogue while displaying something entirely different through their body language. The actress emphasizes the importance of being involved in the development process, which allowed her to sync with her director and co-star, creating a symbiotic relationship necessary for the scene's success.

Overall, the scene in Hit Man exemplifies the dedication and collaboration required in filmmaking, showcasing the actors' ability to seamlessly blend dialogue and body language to create a memorable and impactful moment on screen.

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