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Jason Sudeikis trolls Travis Kelce with Taylor Swift marriage jokes

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's romance is a hot topic, with Jason Sudeikis jokingly asking about marriage plans at a charity event.

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's relationship has captured the public's attention, with many wondering about the possibility of marriage for the couple. The speculation reached new heights when Jason Sudeikis, at the Big Slick Celebrity Weekend in Kansas City, playfully teased Kelce about tying the knot with Swift.

The charity event, hosted by Paul Rudd and Sudeikis, featured a live version of the classic SNL sketch 'Bill Swerski's Super Fans' with Kelce as a special guest. Smigel and Wendt joked about Swift footing the bill for a new stadium for the Chiefs, while Sudeikis, in character, humorously asked Kelce about making Swift an "honest woman."

The exchange was staged as part of the skit, showcasing the couple's awareness of public interest in their relationship. While Swift was not present at the event, the jokes continued in the spirit of the original SNL skit that featured the iconic catchphrase "Daaaaaaa Bears."

The Super Fans sketch, set in Ditka's in Chicago, highlighted the characters' love for sports and indulgence in fried food and beer. Famous Chicago sports figures like Mike Ditka and Michael Jordan made appearances, adding to the humor of the sketch.

Overall, the playful banter between Sudeikis and Kelce added a lighthearted touch to the event, demonstrating the couple's ability to embrace the public's fascination with their relationship. The skit was a fun nod to the past while keeping the audience entertained and engaged.

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