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Pat Sajak Wheel of Fortune goodbye after 41 years incredible privilege

After 41 years and 8,000 episodes, Pat Sajak bids farewell to "Wheel of Fortune" with heartfelt gratitude and special moments.

After an incredible 41-year run and over 8,000 episodes, Pat Sajak bid farewell as the iconic host of "Wheel of Fortune" on Friday. The season 41 finale, titled the "Thanks for the memories" show, began with a nostalgic clip from Sajak's first episode in 1981 and ended with a heartfelt message of gratitude from the beloved host.

In his farewell address, Sajak expressed his deep appreciation to the millions of viewers who welcomed him into their homes night after night for decades. He also gave a special thanks to his longtime co-host, Vanna White, acknowledging her as his "professional other half" and praising her unwavering support and friendship over the years.

Sajak took the time to acknowledge the dedicated crew and staff who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make the show a success, singling out his daughter Maggie for her contributions as the show's social correspondent. He also expressed gratitude for his family, including his son Patrick and wife Lesly, whom he considers a blessing.

Throughout the final episode, Sajak highlighted the contestants who had graced the show over the years, describing them as kind and considerate individuals who shared stories of their lives with pride. He reflected on the show's impact as a safe space for family entertainment, emphasizing the importance of keeping the focus on fun and positivity.

In a lighthearted moment, Sajak joked about viewers being able to catch reruns of the show during the summer break, urging them to still laugh at the familiar jokes. He made a playful gesture by spinning the wheel himself to add bonus money to the contestants' totals, ensuring a fair competition for Tammi, Adrienne, and Nino.

As Sajak bid a final farewell, he thanked the audience for their support and reflected on the honor of being a part of a show that had touched the lives of so many people. His departure marked the end of an era for "Wheel of Fortune," but his legacy as a beloved host and entertainer will be remembered for years to come.

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