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Mexico heat wave monkeys dying, birds air-conditioning, lions popsicles

NGOs in Mexico rescue animals from heatwave, while government cools down zoo animals with frozen treats amid drought.

Mexico City is currently experiencing a severe heat wave and drought, which is taking a toll on the local wildlife. Non-governmental groups are stepping in to help suffering animals, including providing air-conditioning for birds and rescuing monkeys with heatstroke.

While these NGOs are working tirelessly to save animals, the government has been focusing on cooling down animals at state-run zoos. Lions are being given frozen meat popsicles, while distressed owls are being fed frozen rat carcasses shipped in from Mexico City.

The heat dome, a weather phenomenon causing hot temperatures and abundant sunshine, is affecting wildlife across Mexico and the United States. Central and southern Mexico are particularly impacted, with animals in these regions struggling to cope with the extreme heat and drought.

In response to the crisis, animal parks and rescue groups are setting up air-conditioned rooms for birds of prey and other distressed animals. However, in some areas, like the southern state of Tabasco, howler monkeys are still succumbing to heatstroke, with deaths numbering over 250.

NGOs like COBIUS are working tirelessly to save as many animals as possible, but the situation remains dire. Wildlife biologist Gilberto Pozo and his team are racing against time to rescue ailing monkeys, but often arrive too late to save them.

The Environment Department has acknowledged the severity of the situation and is working with NGOs and academics to address the crisis. The government is providing support to these organizations, but more help is needed to save the wildlife facing heatstroke and dehydration.

As temperatures continue to soar, animals are suffering from heat stress, dehydration, and malnutrition. Rescuers are doing their best to provide care, including feeding birds frozen rats and setting up air-conditioned rooms for distressed animals.

While the current situation is dire, there is hope that incoming President Claudia Sheinbaum, an environmental scientist, will prioritize wildlife conservation when she takes office. She has expressed her commitment to protecting the environment and addressing the challenges facing Mexico's wildlife.

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