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Change coming for Dallas Mavericks: 'Face of the franchise' departure shakes up team - USA News

Mark Cuban sells Mavericks to Las Vegas Sands Corp, signaling new era under GM Nico Harrison and Governor Patrick Dumont.

The recent celebration of the Western Conference Finals in Minneapolis was more than just a victory for the Dallas Mavericks – it marked a pivotal moment in the team's history. The change in ownership, with Mark Cuban selling the controlling interest to the Las Vegas Sands Corp. for a whopping $3.5 billion, has set the Mavericks on a new course for the future.

While Cuban still holds shares in the franchise and control of basketball operations, his influence is beginning to diminish as a new era dawns for the team. GM Nico Harrison and Governor Patrick Dumont are now at the forefront of a more business-focused leadership approach, signaling a shift towards a more structured and predictable management style.

The transition in ownership has brought about a sense of uncertainty regarding the team's direction moving forward. While Cuban's passion for the game was undeniable, his controversial decisions and leadership style raised concerns within the organization. The new ownership structure aims to bring stability and strategic planning to the Mavericks, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Under the guidance of Coach Jason Kidd and GM Nico Harrison, the impact of the ownership change is already evident as the team gears up for the NBA Finals. Contract extensions and other organizational decisions reflect a shift towards a new era for the Mavericks, one that embraces change and innovation.

As fans eagerly anticipate the upcoming seasons, they can expect to see a different approach to team management and operations. While Mark Cuban's legacy will always be a part of the team's history, the Mavericks are poised for a fresh start under new ownership. The future looks bright for the Dallas Mavericks as they embark on this exciting new chapter in their journey towards success.

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