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European Elections 2024: S&D and EPP Tie with 11 Mandates in Romania, Renew 2, Greens 1 (EP Projection)

European Parliament projection shows S&D and EPP with 11 mandates each in Romania, while Renew gets 2 and Greens 1. Viral news!

According to AGERPRES special correspondent Florin Stefan, the latest projection from the European Parliament reveals that the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats and the European People's Party will each secure 11 mandates in Romania's future community legislature. Additionally, Renew will obtain two seats, and the Greens will secure one seat.

In the most recent centralization conducted by the European Parliament, taking into account the preliminary results reported by the Central Electoral Bureau in Romania, it is evident that the PSD-PNL Alliance will dominate the future legislative community. Specifically, S&D will have 11 MEPs in Romania, all representing PSD. The European People's Party will also have 11 MEPs, with eight from PNL, one from the Popular Movement Party, and two from the Hungarian Democratic Union in Romania.

The Renew Europe group will be represented by two MEPs from the Save Romania Union, while the Greens/European Free Alliance group will secure a seat through independent candidate Nicolae Stefanuta's entry into the EP.

AUR and SOS Romania, with five and two mandates respectively, fall into the "Others" category as they are not yet affiliated with any political groups. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group also secured a mandate in Romania, as Cristian Terhes, who leads the AUR list, is a member of this group.

At the EU level, the EPP is projected to secure 186 seats, S&D 134 seats, and Renew 79 seats. The ECR would hold 73 seats, the Identity and Democracy group 58 seats, and the Greens/ALE 53 seats. The left would have 36 seats, while unaffiliated candidates would hold 44 seats. The "Other" category would account for 55 seats.

Overall, the distribution of seats in Romania and at the EU level reflects a diverse political landscape with various parties and groups securing representation in the future legislative community.

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