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Amber Portwood Missing Fiancé Sighting on Camera Far Away

Amber Portwood's fiancé Gary Wayt goes missing after an argument, later spotted in Oklahoma, leaving everyone puzzled. Where is he going?

Amber Portwood made a shocking report this week about her fiancé Gary Wayt going missing. The couple was in Bryson City, North Carolina for Amber's brother's wedding when they had an argument at their rental cabin. Gary stormed out without his cell phone, causing concern for his whereabouts. Some speculated that Amber may have harmed him, but new information suggests otherwise.

Surprisingly, Bryson City police have footage of Gary in Oklahoma two days after leaving Amber. This is puzzling as Gary lives in Indiana, an 8-hour drive from North Carolina. Amber was worried because he should have been home by Monday, but instead, he was spotted in Oklahoma, about 900 miles away. It's unclear why he went in that direction or where he may be headed.

The police also mentioned a previous sighting of Gary outside a Walgreen's in Bryson City, but he has not contacted anyone since leaving the cabin. The case remains open, and Gary is driving a 2009 gray Nissan Rogue SUV with Indiana plates. Authorities urge anyone with information to reach out to help locate Gary.

The situation is perplexing, with Gary's sudden disappearance raising many questions. Where could he be going without his phone and why choose to drive so far away? The mystery continues as authorities work to piece together Gary's movements and locate him. The uncertainty surrounding his disappearance leaves everyone wondering about the truth behind this puzzling situation.

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