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Former Boston Celtics fan favorite concedes defeat on Kyrie Irving Finals opinion

Isaiah Thomas admits defeat on prediction of Kyrie Irving not being best player in NBA Finals, overwhelmed by Celtics fans' response.

Kyrie Irving's performance in the NBA Finals has been a topic of discussion, with former Boston Celtics star Isaiah Thomas admitting defeat on his prediction that Irving was not the best player in the series. Thomas expressed surprise at the overwhelming response from Celtics fans to his statement, acknowledging that he was wrong in his assessment.

Despite a slow start in the first two games, Irving made a significant comeback in Game 3, scoring 35 points and showcasing his shooting prowess. However, his legacy in the series may still be in question, as the Celtics face a tough opponent in the Dallas Mavericks.

The Celtics, led by the dynamic duo of Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown, have shown their dominance on the court, even without star player Kristaps Porzingis. With Jrue Holiday in the lineup, the Celtics have proven to be a formidable team, surpassing expectations and solidifying their place as one of the best in the league.

In Game 3, the Celtics received a standout performance from Irving, described by Brown as a "vintage Kyrie performance." However, despite their efforts, the true stars of the team, Tatum and Brown, delivered an impressive 61 points, showcasing their talent and proving their ability to lead the team to victory.

As the Celtics continue to excel, speculation arises about the possibility of LeBron James joining the team alongside Irving and Luka Doncic. While this potential lineup may seem unbeatable, the Celtics have proven that they are a force to be reckoned with, capable of taking on any challenge that comes their way.

In conclusion, the Celtics, led by their dynamic duo of Tatum and Brown, have emerged as a powerhouse in the NBA, surpassing expectations and proving their ability to compete at the highest level. Despite challenges and setbacks, the team remains resilient and determined to achieve success on the court.

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