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From Musician to CEO: Lior Rachmany's Journey Creating and Growing Dumbo Moving - Grit Daily News

Lior Rachmany's journey from musician to successful mover and business owner in Brooklyn showcases dedication, community support, and technological innovation.

When Lior Rachmany first set foot in New York City back in 1998, his passion for music led him to the vibrant Brooklyn music scene, particularly in Williamsburg and DUMBO. Despite the challenges of making a living as a musician, Lior was determined to pursue his dream, even taking on jobs as a mover to make ends meet. "Being a musician didn't always pay well, especially in the beginning, so I started working as a mover in some of the top moving companies in NYC - first as a driver, then later as a manager," Lior recalls. Eventually, he was able to realize his dream of opening a recording studio in DUMBO.

However, as the neighborhood began to undergo significant changes, with tensions rising between tenants, mainly musicians and artists, and landlords and developers, many of the original residents of DUMBO started to leave. Despite this shift, Lior decided to keep his studio and launch a moving company next door as a response to the influx of newcomers to Brooklyn. And so, Dumbo Moving and Storage Inc. was born.

Lior's decision to start Dumbo Moving was driven by more than just his experience in the moving industry. "I wanted Dumbo Moving to be a solution for anyone new to the area," Lior explains. "I knew firsthand how expensive it can be to move in NYC, and I wanted to offer customers an affordable option in a city known for its high moving costs."

What began with just one moving truck in 2007 has now grown into a fleet of over 200 trucks and a team of local NYC movers. Dumbo Moving has become the largest and most cost-effective moving company in Brooklyn, a reality that Lior says he could have only dreamed of when he first arrived in the city.

With over 18 years of experience, Dumbo Moving has established itself as a trusted and reliable option for those in need of moving services in Brooklyn. Their commitment to excellence has earned them industry recognition, including the prestigious Dime's Best of Brooklyn award in 2016. But for Lior, the focus remains on giving back to the community rather than receiving accolades.

"Our aim is to be an integral part of this incredible community, not just another business," Lior emphasizes. "During times like the COVID-19 pandemic or the Bronx fire, we provided essential space, trucks, and services free of charge. Not for recognition, but because it was the right thing to do to support our community in times of crisis."

In addition to their philanthropic efforts, Dumbo Moving has forged partnerships with organizations such as the Brooklyn Heights Association and the New York City Football Club, further solidifying their commitment to their local community. This dedication, combined with their track record of timely and secure relocations, has set Dumbo Moving apart from their competitors since the beginning. However, one aspect that has evolved over time is their integration of technology into their operations.

"As the company expanded, technology became crucial for our operations," Lior explains. "While basic tools like internet and email were essential, we soon realized the need for more specialized technology, leading us to develop a moving management system with IT Dev Group in 2016."

This innovative system, known as Move It, Move It, was designed to streamline the booking process, assign trucks, monitor moves in real-time, provide digital invoices, track business analytics, and offer customer support through online channels. The implementation of this software not only doubled their revenue from 2017 to 2020 but also enhanced the overall customer experience, efficiency, and accuracy of their services. By embracing this forward-thinking approach, Dumbo Moving has solidified its reputation as a premier choice for reliable and affordable moving services in Brooklyn and beyond.

In conclusion, Dumbo Moving's combination of extensive experience, technological innovation, and community commitment has positioned them as a leader in the NYC moving industry. Lior's vision of offering an affordable, reliable, and customer-centric moving service has not only propelled the company to become Brooklyn's largest moving service but has also set a standard for their competitors to aspire to. As they look towards the future, Dumbo Moving remains dedicated to upholding their commitment to excellence as they continue to grow and evolve.

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