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Mother boys killed Rebecca Grossman dismayed light sentence

Mother disappointed in sentencing for Rebecca Grossman, who hit and killed her two boys. Grossman received 15 years to life.

The recent sentencing of Rebecca Grossman, who was convicted of the hit-and-run murders of Jacob and Mark Iskander, has left the boys' mother, Nancy Iskander, feeling disappointed and heartbroken. Despite prosecutors seeking the maximum sentence, Grossman was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison, which was less than what was hoped for.

For Nancy, the sentencing was a painful reminder of the loss of her two sons, Jacob and Mark. She expressed her frustration with the judge's decision, feeling that it did not adequately honor the lives of her boys. In her eyes, they were two individuals, not one, and she believes the sentence did not reflect that.

Throughout the legal proceedings, Grossman never admitted guilt for the deaths of Jacob and Mark. Despite the immense grief and trauma she has experienced, Nancy still holds love for the person responsible for her sons' deaths. She acknowledges the humanity of Grossman and her family but remains firm in her decision not to accept any gestures of reconciliation or tribute from her.

Instead, the Iskander family has chosen to create their own foundation in honor of Jacob and Mark, hoping to create a meaningful tribute to their memory. Nancy hopes that this foundation will serve as a fitting tribute to her sons and bring some justice to their memory.

The pain of losing Jacob and Mark weighs heavily on Nancy every day, and she wonders if they would be proud of the foundation created in their honor. Despite her ongoing grief, she remains steadfast in her commitment to honoring their memory in a way that feels true to their lives and the love she holds for them.

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