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Mom of two boys killed drunk socialite hit-run blasts light sentence

Mother criticizes light sentence for socialite who killed her sons in hit-and-run, judge slammed for lumping boys together. Viral outrage ensues.

A mother expressed her disappointment with the sentencing of the socialite who killed her two sons in a hit-and-run accident, deeming it too lenient and criticizing the judge for treating her boys as a single entity. Rebecca Grossman was given a sentence of 15 years to life for the deaths of Mark, 11, and Jacob Iskander, 8, on September 29, 2020. Prosecutors had sought a maximum sentence of 34 years to life, but Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino decided otherwise.

Nancy Iskander, the boys' mother, felt that Judge Brandolino's ruling was unfair as he failed to recognize the individuality of her sons, lumping them together in his decision. She expressed her anguish at the sentence, emphasizing that Jacob and Mark were unique individuals with distinct personalities and futures that were cut short.

The incident occurred as Grossman's car reached speeds of up to 81 miles per hour, resulting in the tragic deaths of the two young boys. Iskander believed that if Grossman had been more sober or attentive, one of her sons may have been spared. She recounted how Jacob was just one step away from safety when he was struck by the vehicle.

During her sentencing, Grossman offered a heartfelt apology to the Iskander family, expressing deep remorse for her actions and acknowledging the pain she had caused. Iskander initially intended to leave the courtroom, skeptical of the sincerity of Grossman's words, but was persuaded to stay by the socialite's plea.

Iskander described the loss of her sons as a part of herself dying, emphasizing the profound impact their deaths had on her. She found the sentencing day to be incredibly challenging, likening it to the day her sons passed away. Grossman's potential parole eligibility in nine years left Iskander uncertain about the socialite's capacity for change and redemption.

The emotional turmoil and devastation experienced by Iskander following the loss of her sons were palpable throughout the trial and sentencing, underscoring the profound impact of the tragedy on her life. The sentencing of Grossman served as a painful reminder of the void left by the untimely deaths of Jacob and Mark, highlighting the enduring grief and suffering of a mother who continues to grapple with the aftermath of a devastating loss.

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