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Jimmy Kimmel Live: Sean Penn gushes Dakota Johnson working experience

Sean Penn praised working with Dakota Johnson on their new movie Daddio, calling it a "gift" and addressing various subjects.

Sean Penn was effusive in his praise for Dakota Johnson while discussing their collaboration on the film Daddio during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC. The Oscar-winning actor revealed that he had a 15-year period where he didn't enjoy acting, despite working with talented individuals. However, all that changed when Dakota, his neighbor in Malibu, approached him with a script that reignited his passion for the craft. Sean commended the script and its writer/director Christy Hall for their ability to tackle various subjects with depth and nuance.

The conversation between Sean and Dakota in Daddio was described as 'very real' by Jimmy, highlighting the film's authenticity. Sean explained that they filmed on a stage with LED screens to create the illusion of driving a car, a process that immersed them in the story. He compared the experience to sitting in a car with Dakota Johnson all day while she delivered her lines beautifully, likening it to listening to Paul McCartney play 'Yesterday' every day.

Despite receiving positive reviews from critics, Sean admitted that he's not very aware of the film's reception. Daddio, set to be released on June 28 in the US by Sony Pictures Classics, showcases the talents of both Sean and Dakota, with the latter also serving as a co-producer. The collaboration between these two talented individuals has breathed new life into Sean's acting career, proving that sometimes all it takes is the right script and the right partner to reignite one's passion for the craft.

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