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CDK cyber attack auto dealerships U.S.

Cyber attack on CDK Global shuts down systems for 15,000 car dealerships, forcing creative solutions to continue business.

CDK Global, a company that provides software solutions for auto dealerships in the U.S., recently experienced a cyber attack that led to the temporary shutdown of most of its systems. This incident has affected approximately 15,000 car dealerships, preventing them from making sales.

In response to the hack, CDK Global has taken proactive measures by shutting down systems and conducting a thorough investigation to address the issue. The company is working diligently to restore its systems and minimize the impact on its customers. After conducting tests and consulting with experts, some of CDK's systems have been brought back online, including its core dealer management system and Digital Retailing solutions.

The dealer management system (DMS) provided by CDK serves as a central hub for businesses to monitor operations, while its retail tools enable dealerships to conduct transactions both online and in showrooms. CDK also offers tools for managing payroll, inventory, and office operations, emphasizing its cybersecurity capabilities on its website.

The cyber attack on CDK Global began on Tuesday evening, affecting the operations of the car dealerships it serves. The identity of the perpetrator behind the attack remains unknown. Despite the challenges posed by the outage, some dealerships have found innovative ways to continue serving customers by resorting to manual methods such as spreadsheets and sticky notes for small transactions.

As CDK Global works to restore its systems and ensure the security of its operations, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of cybersecurity measures in safeguarding businesses against potential threats. The company's efforts to address the cyber attack and restore normal operations demonstrate its commitment to providing reliable software solutions for auto dealerships across the country.

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