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Summer Full Moon Capricorn: Kick Out Negative Energy

Let go and release during the Full Moon in Capricorn. Reflect on growth, set intentions, and embrace change. Two rare Full Moons ahead!

The Full Moon in Capricorn is a powerful time for releasing and relinquishing any excess in your life. Whether through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, the Full Moon presents an opportunity to let go. June's Full Moon in Capricorn serves as a reminder to reflect on personal growth and set intentions. According to Western astrology, these monthly Moon cycles guide us in self-reflection.

Letting go is a process that may take time, and it's okay if it requires more than one Full Moon in Capricorn to achieve. This Cancer season, there will be two Full Moons in Capricorn, a rare occurrence. The first Full Moon in Capricorn is set to occur on June 21, 2024, just after the summer solstice. In the U.S., this Full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Full Moon, among other names.

Capricorn, as a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, signifies the need to reflect on what you may be holding onto past its expiration date. It can be challenging to let go of something deeply cared for, but it may be necessary. Be mindful of any tendencies to smother or manipulate to avoid saying goodbye. If needed, take more than one lunar cycle to release what no longer serves you.

Feeling stuck on a path that doesn't align with your spirit can be disheartening. It's essential to differentiate between doing something out of love and doing something out of obligation. Reflect on your soul's path and challenge any deeply ingrained beliefs that no longer serve you. Embrace the present moment and make mundane memories with loved ones.

Cancer, stand firm in your convictions and let karma take its course. Sometimes, retreating into your subconscious and allowing your instincts to guide you can be beneficial. Differentiate between networking and forming genuine friendships. Embrace new connections but trust the universe to reveal the true nature of relationships.

Libra, it's okay to prioritize your career and take time to imagine your ideal work life. Allow yourself to make decisions gradually and trust your imagination to guide you. Scorpio, resist the urge to conform to fit in and stay true to your values. Address any issues at home with patience and a willingness to let go of material possessions.

Reflect on how your heart opens and closes throughout the day and journal about experiences that hinder your ability to give and receive love. Consider the concept of the subconscious and explore your latent thoughts during this Moon cycle. Remember that work shouldn't consume every aspect of your being, and find ways to incorporate play and creativity into your life.

Embrace the art of letting go and trust the process of growth and self-discovery during this powerful Full Moon in Capricorn.

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