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Connor McDavid Sacred NHL Record Stanley Cup Finals Game 6

Edmonton Oilers' Connor McDavid breaks records in NHL postseason, closing in on Wayne Gretzky's achievements. A comeback could solidify his legacy.

The Edmonton Oilers have seen Connor McDavid truly shine as they progress through the NHL postseason. The 27-year-old forward has amassed an impressive 42 points, with eight goals and 34 assists, making him the fourth-highest scorer in NHL playoff history. McDavid has already surpassed Wayne Gretzky's record for assists in a single postseason and is just five points away from Gretzky's record for points in a single playoff run.

In the Stanley Cup Finals against the Florida Panthers, McDavid has tallied 11 points in the first five games, coming close to Gretzky's record of 13 points in a single series. Although the Oilers have faced challenges in the series, they managed to win their last two games decisively, narrowing the Panthers' lead to 3-2 in the best-of-seven series.

The possibility of a Game 7 showdown looms as the Oilers aim to tie the series in Game 6 on Friday. McDavid's remarkable performance has captivated fans and non-fans alike, with his impressive skills on full display. His agility, speed, and finesse on the ice have made for thrilling and aesthetically pleasing moments throughout the playoffs.

As McDavid continues to make his mark on the record books, his connection to Gretzky's legacy as an Oilers player is not lost on anyone. If he can lead the team to a historic comeback from a 3-0 deficit, McDavid will secure a place in franchise history alongside the legendary Gretzky. The stage is set for a dramatic conclusion to what has already been an unforgettable playoff run for McDavid and the Oilers.

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