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FBI Raids Home of Far-Left Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao - Conservative Angle

FBI raids home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao in public corruption investigation involving recycling company, sparking viral interest in political scandal.

Federal law enforcement officials conducted a raid at the residence of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, who is a Democrat, on Thursday morning. Reports and video footage showed agents at the home, along with several other properties linked to a politically influential family that operates the city's curbside recycling program.

During the raid, more than a dozen agents entered the home and seized various items such as paper boxes, clipboards, and large plastic tubs. Additionally, warrants were served at the homes of David Duong, the president and CEO of recycling company Cal Waste Solutions, his son Andy Duong, and their company offices.

In a statement, the FBI confirmed the law enforcement activity on Maiden Lane but did not provide further details due to ongoing investigations. Investigative reporter Dan Noyes revealed that sources informed him the raid was part of a public corruption investigation involving Thao and her boyfriend, with the IRS and U.S. Postal Service also reportedly involved.

This development comes amidst a string of federal criminal investigations involving prominent Democrats in recent months, including Sen. Bob Menendez, Rep. Henry Cuellar, and Hunter Biden. Devices have been seized from New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and properties linked to District Attorney Jody Owens, who is backed by George Soros, have also been raided.

The situation highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in public office, as well as the need for thorough investigations to uncover any potential wrongdoing. It serves as a reminder that no one is above the law, and all individuals, regardless of their political affiliation, must be held accountable for their actions.

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