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Lawmakers React to NJ Transit Delays

New Jersey Transit rail riders face nightmarish week, state lawmakers demand rescinding fare hikes and more investment from Amtrak.

State lawmakers in New Jersey are expressing their frustration with New Jersey Transit after a week of nightmarish experiences for rail riders. Republican Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips and Democratic Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese are both calling for action to address the issues plaguing the transit system.

DePhillips is pushing for a reversal of the upcoming 15 percent fare hikes, stating that New Jersey Transit has "gone off the rails" and needs to prioritize the needs of its riders. Calabrese acknowledges the financial burden on riders but emphasizes the need for investment to improve the system, pointing to a lack of funding from Amtrak and the federal government as contributing factors to the ongoing problems.

Republican State Senator Declan O'Scanlon is calling for consequences for Amtrak's failure to uphold their end of the agreement, suggesting that payments to the company should be withheld until improvements are made. The Governor's Office has deferred questions to NJ Transit, with CEO Kevin Corbett acknowledging the frustration of customers and pledging to address the issues affecting their quality of life.

Overall, lawmakers are united in their criticism of New Jersey Transit and are calling for immediate action to improve the reliability and safety of the transit system. The ongoing issues highlight the need for increased investment and accountability to ensure that riders can depend on a functioning and efficient public transportation system.

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