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Travis Scott lawyer speaks up rapper arrest Florida

Rapper Travis Scott arrested in Florida for disorderly intoxication and trespassing, lawyer clarifies it was a misunderstanding with no altercation.

Travis Scott found himself in hot water earlier this week when he was arrested on charges of disorderly intoxication and trespassing in Florida. However, his lawyer has now spoken out about the incident, claiming it was all just a big misunderstanding.

In a statement to PEOPLE, Scott's attorney emphasized that there was no physical altercation involved in the arrest. He expressed gratitude to the authorities for working towards a quick and amicable resolution.

Sources close to the situation revealed that the arrest stemmed from a rowdy party and that Scott had already been bailed out for a small sum of money. The insider assured that there would be no further action taken as the incident was minor and no injuries were reported.

According to Miami Beach Police Department representatives, Scott was taken into custody following an incident at the Miami Beach Marina. The arrest affidavit indicated that officers responded to complaints of a fight on a yacht and detected a strong smell of alcohol on Scott's breath during the investigation.

Scott reportedly paid a total of $650 in bond for the disorderly intoxication charge and an additional $150 for trespassing. Miami police claimed that after his arrest, Scott admitted to drinking alcohol and nonchalantly remarked, "It's Miami."

Overall, it seems that the situation has been resolved without any major consequences for the rapper. With his lawyer's statement clarifying the circumstances surrounding the arrest, it appears that Scott can put this incident behind him and move forward.

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