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Jessica Alba Utilizes Dark Angel Skills in Creating Trigger Warning

Jessica Alba returns with Netflix movie "Trigger Warning," using skills from "Dark Angel" to feel empowered in her first action role.

Jessica Alba recently made a triumphant return to the screen in the Netflix film "Trigger Warning," marking her first movie in five years. Reflecting on her time on the cult 2000-02 Fox action series "Dark Angel," Alba expressed how empowered she felt while portraying the character of Max, a government military facility escapee.

Alba credits her experience on "Dark Angel" for laying the foundation of her career, especially in the realm of action-packed roles. She mentioned how she hadn't had the opportunity to fully utilize the skill sets she developed early on until now, with "Trigger Warning" allowing her to showcase her hand-to-hand combat abilities and even learn knife fighting for the first time.

While Alba's performance in "Trigger Warning" has been praised, some critics, like Elizabeth Weitzman, have noted that the film may have been a challenging production process. Despite this, Alba's return to the screen has been met with enthusiasm from fans of her previous work on "Dark Angel."

Created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee, "Dark Angel" followed the story of Max Guevara, a genetically enhanced soldier on a quest to find her siblings from the military facility while evading capture. Although the show garnered a strong viewership initially, declining numbers and high production costs led to its cancellation after two seasons.

Overall, Alba's journey from "Dark Angel" to "Trigger Warning" showcases her growth as an actress and her ability to tackle physically demanding roles with confidence and skill. Fans can now enjoy her latest performance on Netflix, where "Trigger Warning" is available for streaming.

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