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Jim Schlossnagle discusses departure from Texas A&M for Texas: I yearn for a great leader

Jim Schlossnagle leaves Texas A&M for Texas as the new baseball coach, citing alignment with leadership and a strong relationship with Chris Del Conte.

On Wednesday, Texas officially welcomed Jim Schlossnagle as the new head baseball coach, a move that has stirred up some controversy due to the timing of his departure from Texas A&M. Despite falling just one game short of a national championship with the Aggies, Schlossnagle felt compelled to make the switch to Texas, citing his strong relationship with Texas athletic director Chris Del Conte as a major factor in his decision.

During his introductory press conference, Schlossnagle addressed the question on everyone's mind: why leave now? He acknowledged that the timing was less than ideal, especially coming so soon after the disappointment of falling short in Omaha. However, he emphasized the importance of alignment within the athletic department and school, stressing the need for strong leadership in these uncertain times for college athletics.

Schlossnagle's decision to join Texas was not taken lightly, as he expressed his deep love for the players at Texas A&M. The connection he shares with Del Conte, forged during their time together at TCU, played a significant role in his decision to make the move to Austin. While the decision was a difficult one, Schlossnagle ultimately could not pass up the opportunity to work with Del Conte again and lead the Longhorns to success on the baseball diamond.

In the ever-changing landscape of college athletics, the importance of strong leadership and alignment between administrators, presidents, and trustees cannot be understated. Schlossnagle's move to Texas represents a new chapter in his coaching career, one that he believes will be marked by success and a shared vision for the future of Longhorn baseball.

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