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Kenya police fire protesters parliament building ablaze

Protests in Nairobi against a proposed tax increase turned violent, leading to at least five deaths and dozens injured. President urged calm.

On Tuesday, a tragic event unfolded in Nairobi as at least five individuals lost their lives and many more were injured during protests against a proposed tax increase. The situation escalated when protesters attempted to storm the parliament building, resulting in a violent clash with security forces. Reports from the scene described chaos and destruction, with part of the parliament engulfed in flames.

Despite initial efforts to disperse the crowd using tear gas and water cannons, security forces resorted to live ammunition as the situation spiraled out of control. The protests, initially peaceful, turned into a violent confrontation between demonstrators and police, leading to casualties and widespread damage.

President William Ruto condemned the violence, attributing it to criminal elements taking advantage of the protests. He emphasized the importance of maintaining security and upholding the rule of law, promising a strong response to what he termed as "treasonous actions." The Defense Minister announced the deployment of the military to support the police in managing the security emergency.

The Kenya Medical Association confirmed the tragic loss of life and numerous injuries, some caused by live bullets. The protests stemmed from public opposition to the proposed tax hikes aimed at addressing the country's heavy debt burden. Despite government concessions, the public outcry continued, fueled by economic hardships faced by many Kenyans.

International observers expressed deep concern over the violence and called for restraint from all sides. Internet services were disrupted amid the chaos, adding to the turmoil in the country. Opposition leaders demanded President Ruto's resignation, criticizing the government's handling of the situation and the proposed tax policies.

As the unrest unfolded, reports from the ground highlighted the tense atmosphere in Nairobi, with roadblocks set up and military forces mobilized to the city center. The situation remains fluid, with uncertainty and fear gripping the population as they navigate through the turmoil.

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