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No human remains found New Mexico wildfires comb rubble search crews

Search and rescue crews find no human remains in New Mexico wildfire aftermath, easing concerns of missing individuals. Community recovery efforts begin.

Search and rescue crews tirelessly combed through 1,300 damaged and destroyed structures in a New Mexico mountain community devastated by wildfires, yet no human remains were found. The announcement was made during a public meeting, providing relief to those anxious about loved ones who were unaccounted for following sudden evacuations.

Teams, aided by specially trained dogs, meticulously searched property by property, only to find debris in areas where entire neighborhoods had been reduced to ashes. Ruidoso Mayor Lynn Crawford confirmed that there were no longer any names on the list of missing individuals, aside from the two tragic fire-related deaths that had been previously confirmed.

Efforts are now focused on restoring essential services like drinking water and electricity to the homes that were spared. Utility officials estimate that over 1,300 power poles will need to be replaced, emphasizing the long road to recovery ahead.

The community of Ruidoso, known for its summer tourism, is rallying together to support one another. The Ruidoso Downs Race Track, a popular attraction, has established a fund to aid in the community's recovery, with donations pouring in from across the state.

Firefighters have successfully contained the flames with the help of recent rain, using drones to locate and extinguish any remaining hot spots. However, the threat of flash flooding looms as storms are expected to move over the impacted areas in the coming days.

The wildfires in New Mexico are part of a larger trend of increased fire potential across the western U.S. The National Interagency Fire Center has identified above-normal chances for significant wildland fires in New Mexico, Hawaii, and other western states in the upcoming months. The community of Ruidoso remains resilient, with officials and residents working together to rebuild and recover from the devastation.

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