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Bernie Sanders supporters celebrate Joe Biden's debate fallout

Former Sanders press secretary questions those who kneecapped Bernie's 2020 campaign. Biden criticized for performance, Sanders supporters highlight his vitality.

Briahna Joy Gray, the former press secretary for Bernie Sanders during the 2020 campaign, made a thought-provoking statement on social media, questioning how those who hindered Sanders' campaign are feeling now. The sentiment was echoed by Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks, who officially nominated Sanders for the upcoming election.

Criticism has been directed at Joe Biden, 81, for his performance in the debate, raising concerns about his age, ability to defeat Trump, and lead the country for another four years if elected. The debate, moderated by CNN anchors, covered a range of topics including the economy, international conflicts, immigration, and abortion.

Sanders, a prominent figure in Washington, gained national attention after his strong showing in the 2016 Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton. In the current race, he initially led against Biden before facing a surge of support for the incumbent in South Carolina, particularly from the Black Democratic coalition.

Supporters of Sanders have highlighted Biden's vulnerabilities, with some pointing out the DNC's role in rallying support for Biden after Sanders' early success in the primaries. The debate has sparked discussions about age and vitality, with many questioning the reasons behind Biden's presence on the stage.

Despite his age, Sanders continues to be a significant figure in politics, announcing his intention to run for another Senate term. If successful, it would mark his fourth term and solidify his position as one of the longest-serving nonpartisan members of Congress in history.

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