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Bryce Harper Kyle Schwarber injured Phillies loss

Phillies stars Bryce Harper and Kyle Schwarber leave game with injuries. Harper's hamstring and Schwarber's groin could be major setbacks.

The Philadelphia Phillies faced a tough loss at home against the Miami Marlins, falling 7-4 in a game that saw stars Bryce Harper and Kyle Schwarber exit due to injuries. Harper, who had been named to his eighth All-Star Game earlier in the day, left the game with a hamstring injury after his final play of the game. On the other hand, Schwarber, playing in the field for only the third time this season, experienced left groin tightness during a throw in the ninth inning.

Harper expressed concern about his injury, stating that he had never felt anything like it before and that it was painful. With a batting average of .303, 20 home runs, and 58 RBIs, his potential absence would be a significant loss for the Phillies. Schwarber, who typically serves as the designated hitter, also left the game due to his injury, but remained optimistic about its severity.

Phillies manager Rob Thomson provided updates on both players, mentioning that Harper's hamstring issue would be further assessed the following day. Thomson expressed concern for both players and emphasized the importance of waiting for more information before making any conclusions about their injuries. The team will have to wait for further evaluation to determine the extent of Harper and Schwarber's injuries and plan their next steps accordingly.

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