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CNN David Chalian Michelle Obama Big Mike viral video digitally altered fake audio

CNN video clip shows poll results from June 27 debate. TikTok flagged edited clip with profanity and false claims as misleading.

In the initial video clip from June 27, David Chalian from CNN discussed the outcomes of pre-debate polls conducted by the network. The video, which was shared on various platforms such as X and TikTok, initially appeared credible as Chalian revealed that a majority of viewers believed Donald Trump had won the debate against Joe Biden.

However, the clip took a surprising turn when Chalian seemed to utter a profanity while discussing potential Democratic nominees like Gavin Newsom, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama, whom he referred to as "Big Mike." This unexpected moment caused TikTok to flag the video as potentially misleading or false.

It's important to note that in the original video, Chalian focused solely on the poll results and did not mention any alternative Democratic candidates. He highlighted how viewers' perceptions of the debate shifted from favoring Trump to a more balanced expectation between the two candidates.

The claim that Chalian brought up Michelle Obama in the video is inaccurate and misleading. Therefore, we rate this claim as False.

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