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Gavin Newsom: Biden Debate Win on Substance

Gov. Newsom defends Biden's debate performance, emphasizing substance over style. Refuses to entertain speculation about replacing Biden. Urges party unity.

California Governor Gavin Newsom shared his thoughts with reporters in the spin room following the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election, which took place in Atlanta and was broadcast on CNN. Newsom, alongside Senator Raphael Warnock, was tasked with the challenging mission of spinning a debate that even MSNBC believed President Biden had lost into a victory for the incumbent.

In his remarks, Newsom emphasized the importance of substance over style, asserting that Biden had effectively communicated his accomplishments and vision for the future during the debate. He expressed his outrage at a former president's negative assessment of the American economy.

Newsom has been a staunch supporter of the Biden campaign, consistently defending the president's record and criticizing Republicans and Fox News. Despite speculation about a potential replacement for Biden, Newsom has dismissed such rumors, reaffirming his commitment to supporting the president.

Following Biden's lackluster performance during the debate, questions arose about the possibility of him stepping down from the campaign. However, Newsom refrained from addressing these inquiries and instead focused on the need to stand by Biden during challenging times.

During an appearance on MSNBC, Newsom urged Democrats to refrain from discussing the idea of replacing Biden, emphasizing the importance of unity within the party. He acknowledged Biden's subpar performance but stressed the need to move forward and support the president as the campaign progressed.

In conclusion, Newsom encouraged Democrats to look ahead to the future and remain steadfast in their support for Biden, despite any setbacks or challenges along the way. He highlighted the importance of staying focused on the campaign's goals and maintaining a united front in the face of adversity.

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