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Presidential debate: Live updates, fact checks after Biden, Trump face off in historic matchup

Biden and Trump clash in fiery early debate, exchanging insults and accusations. Final showdown set for September.

President Biden and former President Donald Trump engaged in a fiery clash during their first debate of the 2024 presidential election. The debate, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, covered a wide range of topics including the economy, abortion, immigration, and health care costs.

The candidates faced off under new rules that included no studio audience, muted microphones when opponents spoke, and no opening statements. Trump had the final word during closing statements, decided by a coin flip.

Tensions rose as Biden referred to Trump as a "felon" in reference to recent legal troubles, while Trump called Biden "Brandon" in a derogatory manner. Both candidates labeled each other as the worst president in the country's history.

The debate occurred unusually early, over four months before the election, highlighting the intensity of the race. Despite not officially receiving their party's nominations, both candidates have been neck and neck in polls. Independent and third-party candidates failed to qualify for the debate.

Biden and Trump are set to meet once more on the debate stage before the election, hosted by ABC News on Sept. 10. The showdown between the two candidates is highly anticipated as the race for the presidency intensifies.

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