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Raptors forward Jalen McDaniels traded to Kings by trainer

NBA player Jalen McDaniels traded to Sacramento Kings in surprise move, captured on viral Instagram video by his trainer.

The NBA world was shocked on Thursday when the Toronto Raptors traded 26-year-old forward Jalen McDaniels to the Sacramento Kings in exchange for guard Davion Mitchell, EuroLeague MVP forward Sasha Vezenkov, and the 45th pick in the NBA Draft. The news not only surprised fans but also caught McDaniels off guard. His trainer, Clint Parks, captured the moment on camera and shared it on Instagram.

In the video, Parks can be heard breaking the news to McDaniels, who responds with disbelief, exclaiming, "Me?!" It's a raw and candid moment that showcases the human side of professional sports.

This isn't the first time a player has been caught off guard by a trade. NBA history is filled with memorable reactions, like DeMarcus Cousins learning of his move to the New Orleans Pelicans during an All-Star weekend press conference in New Orleans and Derrick Rose finding out he was traded to the New York Knicks during a documentary interview.

McDaniels, who averaged 3.4 points, 1.6 rebounds, and 0.7 assists per game for the Raptors, will now join a Kings team looking to strengthen its frontcourt. Meanwhile, Toronto gains a promising young defender in Mitchell, a motivated Vezenkov, and a new rookie with the 45th pick. The trade marks a new chapter for both players and teams, showcasing the unpredictable nature of professional basketball.

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