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Robert F Kennedy Jr hosts independent candidates debate after CNN snub

Independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr held his own debate after being excluded from CNN's presidential debate, accusing collusion and seeking visibility.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took matters into his own hands after being excluded from the CNN presidential debate by hosting his own debate, which he called 'The Real Debate'. Standing alone on a stage in Los Angeles, Kennedy answered the same questions posed to the main candidates, addressing topics such as inflation, the Covid-19 response, and abortion in real-time on a live stream platform.

Accusing CNN of colluding with the Republican and Democratic parties to keep him out of the main debate, Kennedy emphasized the importance of fair democracy and opposition to the merger of state and corporate power. Despite not meeting CNN's criteria for debate participation, Kennedy engaged with the audience for 90 minutes, responding to their inquiries and making his presence known.

While some supporters expressed concerns about Kennedy's absence from the debate stage, others remained optimistic about his chances of winning if voters choose to be courageous and support change. Kennedy's campaign events, including public rallies, private fundraisers, and comedy nights with leading comedians, have aimed to increase his visibility and support among voters.

Kennedy continues to emphasize the importance of public visibility for his campaign, believing that awareness of his candidacy and potential to defeat Biden and Trump are crucial for his success. With a commitment to accuracy, depth, and timeliness, the TOI World Desk team of journalists and writers works tirelessly to bring readers the latest news and diverse perspectives on global events, providing a nuanced understanding of international affairs. Join us on a journey across continents as we uncover the stories that shape our interconnected world.

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