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Secretary Cardona Statement One Year Anniversary Supreme Court Ruling College Affirmative Action Programs

"U.S. Secretary of Education Cardona emphasizes importance of diversity in higher education, vows to fight for equal opportunity and inclusivity."

Today, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona has released a statement in anticipation of the one-year mark since the Supreme Court's decision on college affirmative action programs. He emphasizes the importance of diversity in higher education institutions, stating that they thrive when they represent the varied tapestry of our nation. The Supreme Court's ruling last year marked a significant shift in policy, limiting the tools colleges had at their disposal to create inclusive campus communities and provide access to higher education for students of color who often face systemic barriers.

Despite this setback, the Biden-Harris Administration remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring educational opportunities for all Americans. Secretary Cardona commends colleges that have taken proactive steps to maintain diversity and equity in their admissions processes. Many institutions have revised their strategies to consider students' backgrounds, adversity, and resilience, including factors like financial status, access to resources in their communities, and experiences of discrimination and hardship.

In response to guidance from the Department of Education, schools have implemented targeted recruitment initiatives, increased financial aid options based on need, and simplified the student aid application process. Additionally, there is a recognition of the crucial role that K-12 education plays in preparing students for postsecondary opportunities, with an emphasis on building strong partnerships between higher education and K-12 institutions to improve access for students of color.

Secretary Cardona praises these efforts and looks forward to continued collaboration to support students of color and address the disparities and inequities that persist in higher education. The fight for a more inclusive system is ongoing, and together, we can work towards raising the bar for all students in the nation.

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