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Storms Switzerland Italy flooding landslides leave 4 dead

Deadly storms in Switzerland and Italy cause flooding and landslides, leaving at least four dead. Evacuations, missing persons reported.

Severe storms wreaked havoc in Switzerland and northern Italy, resulting in devastating flooding and landslides that tragically claimed the lives of at least four individuals, as reported by authorities on Sunday.

In the Fontana area of the Maggia valley in the Ticino canton, three bodies were recovered following a landslide. The region, situated on the southern side of the Alps, was battered by storms and heavy rainfall over the weekend. The impact was felt in southern and western Switzerland, with camping sites along the Maggia River being evacuated and a portion of the Visletto road bridge collapsing. Additionally, one person was reported missing in the Lavizzara valley.

Further north, the Rhone River overflowed in multiple areas of the Valais canton, leading to the flooding of a highway and a railway line. Police noted that the side valleys south of the Rhone experienced exceptionally heavy rainfall, with one man tragically losing his life after being caught off guard by floodwaters in Saas-Grund.

In the Binn area near the Italian border, another man went missing on Saturday evening. The search for him is ongoing. Meanwhile, in northern Italy, floods, thunderstorms, and landslides wreaked havoc in various regions. Firefighters conducted around 80 rescue operations, evacuating numerous individuals in the northern Piedmont region.

In one particularly harrowing incident, two adults and a 3-month-old infant were rescued between Montanaro and San Benigno Canavese after the Orco torrent flooded, leaving them stranded in their vehicle. In the Valle D'Aosta region, several villages were cut off from the outside world due to overflowing streams, storms, and landslides.

The destructive impact of the storms in Switzerland and northern Italy serves as a stark reminder of the power of nature and the importance of preparedness in the face of such calamities. Our thoughts are with the affected communities as they navigate through this challenging time.

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