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Dayton Arcade free arts wellness sessions

Art as a bridge for mental health dialogue. Sessions at Dayton Arcade and The Contemporary Dayton encourage mindfulness and wellness discussions.

Art has always been a powerful tool for self-expression, reflection, and communication. The diverse range of artwork displayed within our walls serves as a catalyst for meaningful dialogue, providing visitors with a unique opportunity to engage in open conversations about mental health. According to Eva Buttacavoli, the executive director of The Contemporary Dayton, the visual language of art acts as a bridge, enabling individuals to express and share their emotions, promoting empathy, and fostering a deeper understanding of the complex issues surrounding mental well-being.

Each session will kick off with a guided focus on a specific piece of art or architecture, encouraging attendees to observe, reflect on the colors, shapes, and emotions present, and to carry that sense of mindfulness into their wellness sessions.

By integrating discussions of wellness into the art experience, we not only enrich our appreciation for art but also establish a safe space for meaningful conversations that help break the stigma surrounding mental health. The upcoming sessions will take place at the Arcade, with Wednesday and Thursday programs in the Rotunda and Friday and Saturday programs at The Contemporary Dayton.

You can find the Dayton Arcade at 35 W. Fourth St. and The Contemporary Dayton at 25 W. Fourth Street. Metered street parking is available on the Fourth Street side of the Arcade and Pretzinger Lane, with additional parking at the Reibold Building Garage at 25 W. Fifth St.

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