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Pro-Palestine protests permitted on campus: Vox magazine

Restrictions lifted on protests at Radboud University after three weeks. Protesters can now protest freely on campus, including in the evening.

After three weeks, the stringent restrictions imposed on the protests at Radboud University have finally been lifted. Protesters are no longer confined to the campus parking lot, thanks to the decision made by Mayor Hubert Bruls. In a positive turn of events, they are now permitted to protest in the evening once again.

The municipality has reported a significant decrease in offenses and disorderly conduct during the period of restrictions. This comes as a relief after the tumultuous events that led to the initial crackdown on June 9th, in response to criminal activities carried out by protesters. Riot police had to intervene to quell the chaos caused by occupations and disruptive actions.

The situation reached a boiling point on June 5th when protesters occupied the TvA1 building, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Walls, windows, and floors were defaced with slogans and red graffiti, furniture was destroyed, and firehoses were tampered with. As a result, the police were forced to clear out the tents where the protesters had been staying on campus.

During the period of restrictions, protesters were prohibited from setting up new camps or erecting barricades. Their activities were limited to the parking lot near the sports center, with a curfew in place from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM. While this decision faced backlash, Mayor Bruls defended it by stating that the protesters were given more freedom than he would typically allow.

Spokesperson Ties van den Bogaard expressed satisfaction with the lifting of restrictions on behalf of the protesters. The future plans of the protesters remain uncertain, with discussions ongoing about potential new camps or major actions. However, the focus for now is on upcoming events such as the Four Days' Marches and Orientation Week.

Despite the ongoing protests, there is a recognition that things may quiet down during the holidays. The momentum of the movement remains strong, with a commitment to continue raising awareness through peaceful demonstrations. Mayor Bruls has emphasized the importance of protesters notifying the municipality of their planned actions at least 48 hours in advance to ensure safety for all involved.

In conclusion, while the lifting of restrictions marks a positive development, the municipality remains vigilant against any illegal activities that may disrupt the peace and safety of the community. By working together, both protesters and authorities can ensure that demonstrations are conducted in a lawful and respectful manner.

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